Archive for Bloginess

Five for Reading

Is that a bandwagon? I’ll jump on!

Blog Day 2008

It’s BlogDay! Time to find five new blogs and spread the bloglove. I read about this early this morning and started poking around. I’m picky when it comes to blogs so I only wanted to share links to blogs that I added to my Reader. Anyway, it took me a long time to come up with five new blogs so this will be posted after midnight. Can we pretend I’m in Central time? If you want to participate, here are the rules:

1) Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting
2) Notify the 5 bloggers that you are recommending them as part of BlogDay 2008
3) Write a short description of the Blogs and place a link to the recommended Blogs
4) Post the BlogDay Post (today, Aug. 31)
5) Add the BlogDay tag using this link: and a link to the BlogDay web site at

And now, my choices:

I think if I still lived in Virginia, I would totally stalk Le Petite Chic and make her be my friend. She likes cheese, country music, deals and now purple, and so do I.

I’m sort of a goody two-shoes, too, Simply, Me. And I love Friends.

Like Cleveland’s a Plum, I write as I talk, market stuff, have lived in Ohio, and my blog will soon be purple. (Notice a trend?)

Slynnro – my dad used to make us pick rocks from the fields, not even really as punishment. At least you can eat jalapeƱos. I want her to be one of my personal stylists.

Tomorrow is Sept. 1, the official kickoff to the new television season. How I Met Your Blog helped me remember some of the priceless moments from one of the best comedies out there. If you aren’t already addicted, get thee the first three seasons of How I Met Your Mother on DVD ASAP. You can thank me later. Seriously, I’ve made that show so many fans, I should get to be a guest star or something.

I hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I do. If you participated in Blog Day, please let me know so I can add more blogs to my repertoire.